Charles Maimarosia is a unique and extraordinary Solomon Islands singer and musician, raised in the remote Pipisu village of Malaita. He is renowned for being a singer of important custom knowledge, drawing equally on traditional and contemporary musical styles.
In October 2024 Charles released the first single Hote’ Hote’ from his upcoming album of the same name due for release in early 2025.
Imagining the arduous voyages of ancient Oceanians, this song paints a vivid picture of migration and exploration.
It captures the resilience, courage, and ingenuity required to navigate the vast oceans. The use of stars as maps and sea birds as indicators of nearby land underscores the deep connection between people and nature.
Take a listen to some of Charles Maimarosia below:
Charles Maimarosia - Hote' Hote' Official Video
Charles Maimarosia - Haiamasina
Charles Maimarosia performs 'Merani Toro' for Fed Square Live
Hote’ Hote’ is a...