Sesame Girl, the four-piece group from Australia, has been gaining traction on streaming platforms in just the last couple of weeks, reaching over 20,000 plays on Spotify and finding themselves a spot on the “Fresh Finds” playlist.
“Get Up” sports upbeat instrumentals and guitar riffs that could seamlessly double as the instrumentals in a song by The Cure. And like the 80’s new wave band, Sesame Girl is able to make both sadness and joy sound hauntingly beautiful. The song’s lyrics touch on feelings of getting older, dealing with mental health struggles, and teenage emotions. The soft and gentle voice of band member Heather Duncan adds to the song’s hazy, dreamlike feel, while the rest of the band, comprised of Blake Bashfield, Angus Higuma, and Yasmine Hossei, develops the delicately passionate ambience alongside her.
The band has released a stunning music video to accompany this debut release. It reflects the many iterations of ourselves that we try on as we grow up, hoping to fit in or stand out at some point along the way, doing a great job at amplifying the emotions they intended to convey on the track. In the coming months, the band looks forward to releasing new songs from their upcoming debut EP, so be sure to keep an ear out for more dreamy hits from Sesame Girl soon.