Dërty Bërd - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

Dërty Bërd - Audience Home Page

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Dërty Bërd is a local 7-piece soulful, funky-reggae syndicate comprised of mellifluous vocalists, earthy-toned brass players and a rhythm section that thrives on a dance-floor atmosphere. Dërty Bërd borrows elements from pop, rock, funk, soul and jazz and weaves them into one, in the hopes of attaining a sound akin to a love-child of Fat Freddy’s Drop, Prince Fatty and Jorja Smith.
So come share an enchanting musical journey with them as they return to the vivacious Open Studio.
Please book shows carefully as the venue has a no-refund or exchange policy if you change your mind. If an event is cancelled tickets are refunded in full.

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