Joshua Teicher - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

Joshua Teicher - Audience Home Page

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Joshua Teicher is a guitarist, producer, sound engineer, songwriter and sound artist. His music has been described as having “beauty and intelligence” (Harry Angus, The Cat Empire). As a producer and sound engineer his music has been heard all over the world, performing in Europe and Australia multiple times as a touring guitarist and under the moniker for his pop project “Josh The Cat”.

Teicher co-leads Melbourne Indie Voices with Phia, and is a driving force behind the choir’s unique and non-traditional sound, distilling the role of a full band into one electric guitar (and a few effects pedals).

He is currently releasing improvised ambient music of evocative and vivid dream-like landscapes. The compositions are powerful yet gentle, vulnerable yet reassuring and invite the listener to pause and centre themselves.

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