The popular rock band COM’Z embarks on their first-ever world tour. "The LSYG Explorer" makes its inaugural landing in Australia.
COM’Z is the immensely popular rock band formed in 2009 which consists of lead vocalist Lee Yongju, bassist Sun Yinghao (Xiao Mao), guitarist and keyboardist Weng Jyunteng, and drummer Zhang Shixiang.
They use their music to capture life's moments and share their sincerity and passion with a broader audience. After singing along to their songs, COM’Z forms a connection with everyone who has heard their voices. Whether they offer comfort with the words "Don't cry, there's always a way ahead" or express their love with "You will forever be my treasure," they create bonds through their music.
For over a decade, COM’Z has progressed from performing in small live house with a few hundred people to playing in sports arenas with thousands of attendees and even performing at music festivals with tens of thousands in the audience. It might seem like a fleeting journey, but each step they've taken has been marked by genuine growth and heartfelt dedication.
At the end of 2023, COM’Z embarked on their first-ever world tour, with Australia as their first destination: Sydney, Melbourne, and beyond. As their journey spans across mountains and seas, they know that you, on the other side of the ocean, will be there.
This time, let's continue moving forward following the voice of Van Allen, aboard the "LSYG Explorer" to find both you and me.