This is an incorrect tag for NeverShoutNever!. If this non-artist appears in your charts, do and yourself a favor. Fix your artist tags.
This is an incorrect tag for NeverShoutNever!. If this non-artist appears in your charts, do and yourself a favor. Fix your artist tags.
Karmin are Amy Heidemann (Vocals/Guitar) and Nick Noonan (Vocals/Cajon) from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The <a href="" rel="nofollow">Brokenhearted Songfacts</a> reports that their name derives from the Latin word 'carmen,' meaning "song," with a slightly altered spelling to "hint at karma." The pair first gained recognition from their covers of popular Hip-Hop and Pop songs posted on YouTube. After offers from various record companies, the duo signed with Sony and Epic Records in June 2011.
For Way With Words, the road to success started where many of their predecessors once found themselves: playing music in their bedroom. The twist? This particular music-sesh was fueled by Red Bull’s Bedroom Jam contest, broadcast across the band’s native homeland of Australia, and landed them a plane trip to LA to record their debut EP, Better Off Friends. Fusing guitar-driven pop-rock with melodic verses, full choruses, and layered instrumentation, WWW have produced an effort bubbling with energy and a maturity of sound and lyric far surpassing their youth.