Michigan | Musicosity



Shorelines (Formerly <a href="http://www.last.fm/music/The+Cameo+In" class="bbcode_artist">The Cameo In</a>) is an <a href="http://www.last.fm/tag/alternative" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">alternative</a>/<a href="http://www.last.fm/tag/pop-punk" class="bbcode_tag" rel="tag">pop-punk</a> band from the Detroit area. Shorelines combines catchy riffs with powerful lyrics and vocal lines that will be stuck in your head for days.


From http://www.myspace.com/daktalband Daktal stands out from the crowd and defy catagorization with their unique songwriting abilities. Bassist Vrate Gill and drummer Shawn Parker lay down the tight grooves over which Greg Santora (guitar) and Ted Parks (vocals) magically ride on top of; to create as a whole, a very interesting musical landscape full of twists and turns. With just one listen most people have been impressed by the many riffs and hooks that make up their songs.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Fireworks is a pop punk band from Detroit, Michigan consisting of David Mackinder, Tymm Rengers, Chris Mojan, Kyle O'Neil, and Brett Jones. They are a group of individuals creating a sound with enough pop quality to keep your little sister's attention, and enough edge to rid them of "guilty pleasure" status. Hailing from stereotypically suburban metro Detroit, Fireworks is comprised of five electric personalities with endless influences. Together they create a unique blend of "infectious, well-written punk with an undeniable sense of melody.

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