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Various Artists

Warning! Deleting this artist may remove other artists and scrobbles from your library - please handle with caution! You can recover lost scrobbles here. The term Various Artists is used in the record industry when numerous singers and musicians collaborate on a song or collection of songs. Most often on, compilation album tracks appear under the name of Various Artists erroneously because the individual artist is not listed in the album's ID3 information.

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Daydream Arcade

Daydream Arcade, five of Melbourne’s freshest indie/rock musicians, literally banded together (pun intended) to create super catchy riffs, lyrics and beats.

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The Break

At least 2 bands go by the name of The Break 1) The Break - New Jersey. Most bands in the world can be lumped into one category or another, they are shuffled, redefined, and in that way they begin to lose the qualities that could make them important or meaningful. The greatest bands, the most influential or memorable, are the ones who don't try to fill the role set for them, who don't pursue anything other than the desire to make music, and the need to express that art to an audience. From the start, The Break has had this aesthetic in mind.

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The Glimmer

The Glimmer is a 4-piece band from Sydney Australia, whose members played in various projects together over the years including The Mansons and Ruby Sue. The group has 3 lead vocalists, each of whom also plays guitar or bass. The Glimmer are known for their vocal harmonies, influenced by 1960's groups such as The Beatles and Herman's Hermits, and their surfy rock guitar sounds. Tags: 
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Tumbleweed is firstly a highly influential Australian rock band from the 90's, a country rock band from Norway and a bonecrushing instro/surf band from Sweden. Tumbleweed (Australia) filled the stoner-rock void in Australia during the heavy grunge years of the 1990s. As the opening band for Nirvana on their 1992 tour of Australia, Tumbleweed was able to reach out into the mainstream with their crunchy-psychedelica and the subtle vocal stylings of singer Richie Lewis.

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Beach Boys

Incorrect tag for The Beach Boys. Keep stats clean by fixing your ID3 tags, or leave auto-correction on. Don't cheat the artist of plays and listeners...

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Band Of Frequencies

Sol Carroll - Singer/Guitarist
OJ Newcomb – Acoustic & Electric Bass
Mark Henman - Drums
Byron Bays ‘Band of Frequencies’ bring together elements of soul, psychedelic rock, funk and reggae, blending them all into a hearty roots stew fit to satisfy the hunger of the soul. Sol Carroll fronts the band on guitar and vocals. He plays effortlessly and intuitively, with an almost percussive style at times, and has a unique approach to creating sounds on guitars that has been widely acclaimed by audiences and fellow musicians alike, both at home and abroad.

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The Machines

Two groups are called The machines: (1) A Russian Electronic group created by Anton Neumark, on the ataraxy records label. (2) Brilliant Belgian melodic pop-group around Paul Despieghelaere from the beginning of the 1980's. Late in the seventies, the Gent-based Nestormartin renames itself to The Machines and wins the second edition of HUMO's Rock-Rally in 1980. They write music in the best tradition of the Beatles and Talking Heads.

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Chook Race

Carolyn, Rob and Matt are Chook Race. A Melbourne garagey three piece band/street gang. Though having only been playing for a short while, Chook Race's garagey surf pop and reputation as an energetic and fun unit has landed them some sweet support spots including the always awesome Sonny and the Sunsets (USA) & Magic Kids (USA)

For bookings or media enquiries contact:
Tim Scott Tags: 
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