extreme progressive metal | Musicosity

extreme progressive metal


There are two bands that go by the name Hung: 1: Hung is an Extreme Progressive Metal band from the United States. The violinist Lyris Hung gives the name to this band which is quite an original mixture of melodic death and black with progressive elements, plus the unusual addition of a electric violin. 2: Hung was a high school band formed by Chad, Jordan, Mark, and Dan. The played several Ann Arbor, MI shows before disbanding to form several other bands including So&so and the Down-Low and Paranoid Nation.

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There are several bands with this name: 1) A Progressive Metal band from Perth, Australia Current Members: Alex Canion - Vocals/Bass
Daniel Mazzarol - Guitars
Ben Mazzarol - Drums
Simone Dow - Guitars Discography:
For Futures Past (2007) http://myspace.com/noctis1 2) Depression black metal band from UK.
- 2006 - Noctis (demo)
- 2007 - Noctis
- 2007 - Elegies Vol. I Official site: http://www.geocities.com/noctisbm/main.html 3) Black metal band from France.

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