Red Jezebel
Perth based Red Jezebel formed in 1997, taking their name from a code-word utilised in a local supermarket chain, the original four-piece consisting of Paul Wood (Vocals & Guitar), Chris Hayes (Guitar), Mark Cruickshank (Bass) & Alex Hyman (Drums). In November 2004 the band parted on good terms with a newly-wed Chris Hayes and guitar duties were taken on by WAMI award-winning producer Dave Parkin (Snowman, Bob Evans, The Panda Band, The Exploders).
The Sailors
Review: The Sunday Age July 24
People have been deriding Melbourne's The Sailors as vulgar, offensive, sexist, racist, homophobic one-trick ponies for years. But they're not. Well they are pretty vulgar, and the lyrics are distasteful, but if you listen to the snarling Cracker in the Niggertonk, the sing-speak of I Wanna be Black, and the almost-sweet refrains of Back in the Closet, it's obvious that The Sailors are challenging prejudices by subverting stereotypes.
Glenn Richards
Glenn Richards is singer and songwriter for Australian band Augie March. He has released one solo EP as G A Richards and the Dark Satanic Mills Bros.