Festering Drippage
Festering Drippage are a 4 piece Brutal deathgrind band from Lithgow nsw. They will be releasing their EP 'Fungaly Infected Fistashion' some time in 2011
Festering Drippage are a 4 piece Brutal deathgrind band from Lithgow nsw. They will be releasing their EP 'Fungaly Infected Fistashion' some time in 2011
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Grotesque was a Swedish death/black metal band formed in Gothenburg, Sweden in September 1988 from the remains of Conquest by Kristian Wåhlin (Necrolord) and Per Nordgren (Virgintaker) with the addition of Tomas "Tompa" Lindberg (Goatspell). The band was however short-lived and recorded a few demos and an EP. After the demise of the band Lindberg and Svensson started At the Gates, while Necrolord created his own band Liers in Wait and focused more on creating artwork for several bands including Dissection and Emperor.
Psycroptic is a technical death metal band from Hobart, Australia. The band is currently signed to Nuclear Blast and has so far released four full length albums. They formed in 1999 by brothers Dave (drums) and Joe (guitar) Haley who had previously been involved in a band called Disseminate. That group had recorded a demo in 1998 before disbanding. Shortly afterward, the Haleys created Psycroptic with Cameron Grant on bass and vocalist Matthew Chalk, who soon after became a drummer with established local death metal act M.
Gallows For Grace is a technical death metal band from Perth, Australia. Formed in early 2006, Gallows for Grace is the creation of five like minded musicians aspiring to produce a new sound. As a result, their music has evolved into an original, energetic, brutal and melodic blend of death metal, metalcore and thrash metal with an extremely dark undertone.
A blazing onslaught of technical riffery, lightning fast drumming and crushing guttural vocals, GFG's debut EP attempts to push the boundaries of death metal by blurring the line between traditional and modern styles.
There are two bands with the name Impending Doom: 1) An American deathcore band from California
2) A black/death metal band from Germany (now split-up) ----- 1) Impending Doom is an American deathcore band from Riverside, California. Brook Reeves and Manny Contreras started the band in 2005 with ex members Chris Forno, Isaac Bueno, and Jon. After releasing the The Sin and Doom of Godless Men EP, Greg Pewthers joined on third guitar.
There are at least five bands with this name. 1. Victim is a hardcore band out of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
They formed in 2002 but their final show was held in 2008. 2. Victim was a punk band formed in 1977 in Belfast, Ireland that later relocated to Manchester, England in 1979. They disbanded in 1986.
("Victim" is not the same band as "The Victims", which was a punk band from Western Australia active from 1977-79.)
Formed in Buffalo, NY in 1988, Cannibal Corpse helped found, manipulate and transcend the very boundaries of metal beginning with the scandalously controversial debut, Eaten Back To Life. Raising the eyebrows of inquisitive metal fans and incensed parents and politicians, the record - produced by Scott Burns at the now renowned Morrisound Studios - was more extreme and confrontational than anything the Death Metal genre had ever known.
Insidious Torture is Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore from Australia (Melbourne, Victoria)
Insidious Torture formed in late 2008. A Melbourne based 3 piece, Death Metal-Grind outfit, featuring Matt "Skitz" Sanders on drums, Dan O'Grady on guitars and Storma on vocals. Debut E.P out soon! Current line-up:
Storma - Vocals
Dan O'Grady - Guitar (Damaged (Aus), Terrorust)
Matt "Skitz" Sanders - Drums (Damaged (Aus), Abramelin (Aus), Invocation (Aus), Hellspawn (Aus), Deströyer 666, Cemetery Urn, Terrorust, Humonic, Sadistik Exekution)
There are several bands with the name Trauma. 1) A Polish death metal band, signed to Witching Hour Productions. 2) A Venezuelan death metal band. 3) Trauma is the first band of Cliff Burton, who later joined Metallica. They played power & speed metal. 4) A german electro band from Berlin. 5) An American experimental hardcore/metalcore band with one release out on Strikefirst Records. 6) Brazilian rap group. 7) A thrashcore band with social lyrics from Spain. 8) Indonesian death metal band located in Jakarta.
Brutal death metal band from Melbourne, Australia. Influences include: Disgorge, Defeated Sanity, and Suffocation. Formed in 2009 as Insurrector before changing their name later that year to Iconic Vivisect.